Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Regency exoticism: millinery edition

Having made a Regency-era net dress, and having a small amount of silk left over, it seemed like a good idea to complete the outfit by making a turban with ostrich feathers.

It consists of a cap made from a circle of fabric gathered onto a band, with a strip of fabric wound around it and tacked in place to make it resemble a turban.  And ostrich feathers.  I found the optimal number of ostrich feathers was two.  One wasn't quite enough, and three looked more showgirl than Regency.

Here's a full length shot with the rest of the outfit.

Technically this is an imitation turban, not a real one, because it's actually made by draping a rectangular silk panel around a cap.  Some Regency-era turbans were made by winding a long piece of fabric around the head, more like a real turban, but there were also hats that imitated turbans and this project represents my best guess as to how such faux-turbans were constructed.  It's not the most educated guess I've ever made, because sometimes you just want a hat, not a trip down the research rabbit hole, but it replicates the look of Regency turbans as seen in paintings and fashion illustrations.

Fashion plate, date missing (late 1790’s?)
Here, for example, is a turban hat from around the end of the 1790s.

And here is a portrait of Countess Franziska von Weissenwolff, also from around 1800.

HSM details

The challenge:  Fabric manipulation.  This is a Regency-era turban hat made by draping and pleating a long strip of cloth around a fabric cap.

Material: Around .4 of a meter of silk.

Pattern: N/A

Year:  Late 1790s to early 1800s.

Notions:  Two ostrich feathers.

How historically accurate is it?  Probably no more than 50-60%.  Turban hats like this did exist, but really I just made it up as I went along.

Hours to complete:  4-ish.

First worn: Last weekend.

Total cost: $28. 


  1. I *love* the turban/hat. The color, the feathers, everything.

    The net overgown does not quite look the way I expected it to. I like the way it accents the sleeves of the white gown, but I expected it to be longer. Still, it gives a good (if unusual) period affect, and it matches the turban/hat well.

    1. Thanks! The net dress this one is based on was longer, in fact it had a train. But it wasn't feasible for me to spend quite that much time making fish net, so I made a shorter version. There are historical precedents for shorter net dresses like mine from around 1800, as in the fashion plate shown here: http://agreeabletyrant.dar.org/gallery/1800-1810/cotton-netted-overdress/
